Day #8 Daytona Beach to St. Augustine


Our last day cruising before flying back to Massachusetts on Monday night, we covered 46 miles and arrived in St. Augustine by mid afternoon where we tied to a mooring at the municipal marina. We were eager to walk the historic district, and after a long dinghy ride we stepped out onto the dock, walked up a short ramp, and we were there.

According to our cruising guide, St. Augustine is the oldest city in the nation and was founded by the Spanish in 1565, the year after William Shakespeare was born. Beautiful by day and breathtaking at night , the city boasts ancient architecture, pedestrian-only streets, quaint shops, horse-drawn buggies, galleries and cafes, restaurant musicians with music spilling onto the streets, and lots of tourists dressed as pirates! This is such a lovely place, and I’m delighted that we’ll be here for 2 more days!

Speaking of Shakespeare…it’s March 15th. The Ides of March. The first ‘Ides’ since my dad passed away. Each year, on this date, I would call him to say, “Beware the Ides of March.” Today there was no call.


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